The last weekend of July, Jari and I headed up to Flagstaff for the weekend.
It has been at least a quarter of a century since we stayed at Little America.
Did I really just say quarter of a century?!
Talk about elegance.
We spent one night there and the other with our dear niece Keilah and family
who were so gracious to add a few more bodies to their busy household for the night.
Tia was the epitome of patience and I learned.
Unfortunately, it does sound a whole lot different on an actual piano but it happened!
The adorable wedding was held outdoors as the rain clouds circled.
The wedding reception was held at the home of another sister of the bride.
Pure. Adorable.
My youngest cherub ...
The entire day was beautiful and blessed.
The most wonderful surprise of the day was the arrival of Bridget ...
with our youngest grandcharmer!
Beautiful wedding of two young people followed by snuggles of the sweetest ever kind.