Friday, February 15, 2013

7:52 cabin fever

Cabin fever is our theme for this week.
You're looking at this and saying, "Whaaat? She's lost it!".
You're thinking I don't have a clue what cabin fever is.
Oh ....  but I do.

Merriam Webster defines cabin fever as extreme irritability and restlessness from living in isolation or a confined indoor area for a prolonged time.

I don't have that problem.
I really don't remember when I ever had that problem.
It could be that memory thing is getting downright sketchy somedays.
Oh, sure, I can be downright irritable and occasionally would even call myself restless.
Cabin fever?
It is actually something I frequently yearn for.
A chance to be locked away in a cabin, snowbanks piled up so high I can't get out.
As long as the coffee is stockpiled and a load wee bit of chocolate is handy,
I'm standing in line for cabin fever.
Oh, and the power should stay on so I can sew or craft to my heart's content.
I'll read by candle light if necessary.
The scene above might be the cause of an entire different type of irritablility or restlessness.
It might even qualify for claustrophia.
Freeway fever?

The rest of our Project Fifty Two Circle might have an entire different version of Cabin Fever. I'm pretty much betting they do! Can't wait to see what the rest of the gals are up to this Friday, starting off with Marcy's cabin fever!


  1. Anita, I am totally loving your interpretations! And I would have to agree with you, being stuck in a cabin out in the snowy woods sounds waaaay better than stuck in the freeway traffic in Phx:)

  2. I agree! That is one thing I DO NOT MISS!! I would rather be stuck here in my house on these snowy days, enjoying a good book, a cup of hot chocolate or snuggled up with the kids :)
