Wednesday, April 8, 2015

mr & mrs

As part of the upcoming wedding, we have an evening get together with both families ... a tradition of the bride's family and heritage. It is a Spanish named party so I asked my resident fluent Spanish speaking person at work what it meant. I know that we are all meeting each other that evening but other than that I'm clueless. So I asked him if it is a gift giving event and he thought so. 

So just in case ... I buzzed up something this weekend that the bride and groom might enjoy. 

First I had a few ugly smaller couch throw pillows that I took the covering off of. 

Then I cut muslin to the same size and made it double thickness. 

Next came Microsoft Word and printing. I found the font I wanted, printed the size I wanted and then placed them where I'd like them on the fabric. Once I had that in order, I did the ol' fashioned thing and taped them to the window to trace. 

Fabric was placed and taped over the lettering so I could pencil trace the wording onto the fabric 

Then a fabric marker to darken and fill the wording. I've also seen folks do this with Sharpie. 

I'm not a great fan of stacking double layers of fabric and then trying to get the edges lined up once it is folded. I'm sure there is a trick. Probably like cutting one piece just a tad smaller the the other, but I just go with the wing it thing. Trim off the excess mess when I'm done.

I stacked the layers and then folded it in half, sewing around two of the open sides. One side was left open to slide or stuff the filling in.

Next, I pressed the edges so they were sharp and even.

Followed by top stitching around three sides. 

Now for the unfinished side. I folded the edges (double thickness again) in and pressed them.
(Can you believe this cutting mat is almost new?!)

The stuffing was inserted into the pillow envelope. Those pressed seams were aligned and pinned.

And then, because I can't manage to find where I put the other foot for my machine, I struggled to get this through the sewing machine. One row of stitching to close the deal. 

Soon ... the deal will be really sealed!

After I was done and had shared a picture with my girls, I asked them to pick up any really cheap pillows they see at yard sales, etc.
The exterior is easily tossed.
A wee bit of muslin and a fabric marker ... lots of possibilities!

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