Saturday, March 7, 2020

Just a swingin’

Last summer sometime, when it was croaking hot, we worked on this porch swing. I had purchased one off some online thing and it probably sat in the backyard for several years. Hubby even moved it to the new house for me. Then he told me that the wood was too shot to even hang up the swing. Well, shucks! He figured it should be able to hold the weight of several generations in one sitting. I think it does now! 

The arms were redone and the body of the swing is made of 2x4's. Seriously sturdy! We hung it out on the back patio and I never got around to finishing it up until last week.

White porch and floor paint from Sherwin Williams is my go to paint for almost anything now. Very hard drying paint for furniture and seems to last very well. The challenge is that the swing also gets rained on when weather happens here. Admittedly, that doesn't happen too often, but it does!

While laundry was spinning, or something equivalent was happening, last week, I added a bit of paint to the ends of each piece of wood. We prepainted before putting the swing together. And then it sat. Why does that happen?!

Anyway, added a wee bit of paint. Sanded some more to make all of it look a bit older than it actually is. Then came several coats of sealer. Now it should be weather proof and easily cleaned.

I know. I have a little white paint on the black metal. I did use some serious tape when I painted and it still got away from me. It will wear off over time and if it doesn't ... I really don't care.

We can still sit and swing our cares away.
Swing our babies to sleep.
Swing just because we all should spend some time on a swing.

Happy Weekend!

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