Monday, April 13, 2020

Life affected ..

Life got busy. We had a houseful of beautiful family who left as COVID-19 began its nastiness around the country

Parents who left with many plans, hopes and prayers from their family. They made it home safely and are back in their own familiar place of watching. Occasionally I get to hear Corona Virus jokes retold from their evening visits. They are as safe as can be. 

Children who made their way home across the country. They, too, are safe and sound in their own place. I was blessed to be able to send them with some food items and other things she wouldn’t take .. like 25 lbs of flour. 

We missed seeing friends who were in town but we had sort of quarantined our own home to keep our loved ones safe. There will be other visits .. other times. 

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. We ate at home with one dear friend who joined us. Due to sick little ones (normal sick), our family didn’t join us. We packed leftovers and delivered them for dinner instead. There will be other times for those get togethers as well. 

In the meantime, we are sort of hunkered down in our own way. A trip to the store when needed. Maybe a trip or two is something that others wouldn’t consider essential but who are they to tell me what my mental health requires. We have spent the last week working like dogs around the house. Do dogs really work? Regardless, we have been busy. I could post for months nonstop and yet I doubt I’ll find time for that. 

Until last week, we were both working. We were suppose to be in North Dakota for Easter but those plans are put off for another time as well. The airlines have been gracious in easily offering vouchers for travel. Let’s just hope the airline is still in business when I want to travel next! Because of travel plans, we had taken days off work and rather than making ourselves available for work .. we REALLY worked. If you know us .. we really did get stuff done around here. More on that later as well! The days I wasn’t scheduled off ... I had no hours at work. This coming week looks like another one of the same. No work for me. Hubby continues to work in a fashion that is safe as possible. Much of his work is done at home in a cool work space that we put together before visitors arrived. 

We have a roof over our heads, food on our table, good health and a gracious God who is watching over us. What more do we need in the middle of this chaos?

Belated Easter blessings to you and yours. I wish for you days that are peaceful, hopeful and filled with infusions of positive goodness. 

Be well my friends!

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