Friday, October 7, 2016

been busy

In the last month ....

I went to Mother's Camp with a campful of wonderful people.
A refreshing weekend to be sure.
I hit a milestone that weekend and had my name added to the 50+ cabin.
'Tis a new one with a bathroom inside instead of needing to troupe through the night to find a toilet.
I can honestly tell you that I was so tired that my bladder even slept through the night.

I did discover one thing that weekend.
Being 50+ isn't for the wimpy ones.
We hiked oodles of stairs to get to and from our luxury accommodations ...

which was probably good. It sort of evened out our eating and sitting!

The following weekend Jari and I went to Minnesota.
Another weekend reminding us that we aren't 25 anymore.
Loads of fun and an incredibly special wedding filled the weekend.

Time is amazing. I use to spend my days babysitting the bride.
Precious visits with family and friends interlaced with sleepless nights had us reeling by the time we touched down in Phoenix again Sunday.

We were welcomed home by company ... Brock & Liam were here for a week!

A dad on vacation with a 9 month old teething son .... a post in itself .. trust me on this one.

I keep sanding and painting furniture when I can .. along with a myriad of other projects.
Naps are harder to take these days for some odd reason.
Somedays I feel like just putting my feet up for a month or more ... but Monday morning always comes around the bend again.
And the weather in Phoenix is finally getting to the point again where we remember why we live here.
Naps on the back patio are just around the corner!

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