Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

May your homes and hearts be filled 
with the peace and love of the Christ child.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2018

so tempting

Last spring I was in North Dakota visiting the kids.
They were doing one of those tell me honest things.
Well .. some honest things. I'm sure there are plenty left untold.
Christmas was the topic tho'.
I learned that those little buggers of mine (who looked so nice dressed up for Christmas all the time) would open all the gifts before Christmas. 
Every. One. Apparently.
They even knew all the hiding places.
Found every one of them.

That package right there on the left that says "Christmas" is for us parents.
I seriously think I should open it.
And when I'm done perusing the gift, I should wrap it back up with hot pink duck tape.
Just so there's no question that it has been opened.

They probably don't have time to be reading this anyway right now.
They won't know.

I just had a brainstorm.

I am going to buy some duck tape tomorrow.
And then ... I am going to wait until bright and early Christmas morning.
I am going to cover the tape that is on the package with that duck tape ....
and see what kind of conclusions they reach.

I never ever read the last chapter of a book first and therefore can't peek.

But I can pretend!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018

The joy of littles at Christmas

Christmas is knocking on the door once again.
How does the year fly by like this?
The pulla and prune tarts have been in the freezer for about a week.
The piirakkas .. I bought at Market so we have that covered.

Then there are the cookies.
I've pared down my baking considerably. A few favorites and this year I didn't double any recipe. If it makes 2.5 dozen ... that's what we're getting. Period.

I don't know what I did on Friday other than crawl out of bed at 4:00 a.m. I went to a class at work for several hours and then I cranked out work around here. I really don't know what that work was. Must have been stuff I felt needed to get done because I'm feeling on top of things. 

And then I crashed in the rocking chair and my eyeballs woke up at 9 pm. 
Is there a better hour to start making cookie dough?
All the dough was made and chilling in the fridge before I went to sleep. (Mind you ... I didn't double anything.)
Saturday we needed to leave the house shortly after 10:30 in the morning.
The oven hummed, the cookies whizzed right on through there, the pretzels got dipped ....
everything but the decorating of cookies was done before we left.

And then the little people came over to help in the afternoon.
The ornaments made it onto the tree and it was time for sprinkles!

It quickly went out of control. I had thought to send the mom of these charmers out for several hours while I did this business with the boys. Good thing she didn't leave! Even with two adults ... it took me 20 minutes of vacuum activity to get the sprinkles up off the floor!

Seriously good stuff.

The day was one that called for us to be outside.
That shovel is the coolest thing. The boys love it. They love to dig ankle bustin' holes all over the place. Sebastian keeps looking for treasure. One of these days I am going to remember to pick up some special treasures and bury them. Should probably put that on a post it somewhere.

I have the biggest helpers ever. Alyx was hauling the big pieces for me ... hoping to put herself into labor. It hasn't worked so far. This little guy is a serious wood stacker. And mover. And restacker.

All while Jari got the shower working in our sauna. 
I can't wait to share it with you!

We need to schedule a bonfire nite with hot chocolate and marshmallows and two little boys.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Pylly towel

One day the end of November, maybe a week before Thanksgiving, Jari was chilly and muscle sore. He said something like, "we should get a hot tub or a sauna". I must have answered that a sauna might be a better option at this point. Being as we already have the building that we were going to transform into a sauna. So he got busy. 

Let me tell you about my hubby. When he sets on a mission ... don't get in his way. It really doesn't matter what it is, it is all consuming. I'll share sauna pictures with you another time. The inside is done except for a few wee minor details that are his department and a few bigger details that fall into mine. Nothing that we need done in order to use it.

It is getting nearly daily use.

I needed some pylly towels or bum rags.
I guess if you're going into a sauna clothed, your clothing is going to absorb all the sweat. Unless you're not throwing steam .. then all of this is irrelevant. I had made a bunch of tote bags for the market sale and had some left over fabric in my stash. So, because I had nothing else to do (Hah!), I whipped up a stack of pylly towels to catch that sweat and keep it off the benches.

Thankful for SAS fabrics and feeling a little Marimekko flavor in there!

The best thing? They're lighter than a hand towel and take up less washing machine space. I made at least a dozen of them and have yards of fabric left for more!

After Christmas.
The guy seems to need his prune tarts and pulla too.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas Dreams

When we moved into this house, all of the walls were the same color. So was the fireplace. Hubby decided that I really didn't want it ALL white and painted the seat part gray like the walls. It was probably a good idea ... I don't like to dust. So I plunked things in places, not really knowing where they would eventually end up. The outside walls are all block so hanging things requires a little forethought. Which means that things wait even longer.

The fireplace tho'. I have dreamed of a mantle for nigh on a million years or so. I was probably born dreaming of one to be honest. When we were looking at houses, dear hubby was seriously in dislike with any house that had a fireplace. And I was in serious like with them. Oh well. This house came with one and I think he realizes it isn't going anywhere. Ever.

It was just short a mantle.

Several weeks ago he made me one.  This husband of mine is a smart one. Creativity was a requirement of this little project. I did help. Seriously, I did. I've come to the conclusion that dark wood shows every bit of dust and am hopeful that a lighter tone will hide a bit more.

What is not to love about this? Christmas came early for me and I am thrilled.

Things may move around up there on the mantle before Christmas shows up. Short trees might get higher and all that kind of good stuff. If I'm inspired and have extra minutes ... it might just happen.

The stockings were hung. The stockings that probably took decades to finish. The stockings that are going to be with me a very long time. They aren't being filled anymore ... just admired.

Christmas decor may not go down this year.
I really, really like it up there.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Desert Bloom Market

The 3rd Annual Desert Bloom Market consumed a wee bit of my time once again. Burning the late night flash lights trying to get things done and ready to go. I'm telling you ... the hours in a week just get shorter all the time!

Hubby brought me a plate one evening and said, "Dinner is served!" Seriously. This is the way it goes.

The piles grew ....

and then with the work of many hands ... the magic happens!

I don't have pictures of the magnificent baking. Oh my goodness. It is beyond amazing.

Our market was blessed yet again. Now we take a minute's break to catch up on our own homes and families and ready our homes and hearts for Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2018

thankful thanksgiving

Typically if I am absent from here, it is because my life has spiraled to nearly out of control proportions. Once again ... it was that kind of fall. And once again, I think I have moments of peace in my near future.

That out of control busy is a great cause of thankfulness. Thankful that I have the ability to do the things that keep me busy. Thankful that I have the family that keeps me busy. Thankful that I have so many hobbies and interests to keep me hopping. Thankful that some of you are still out there waiting for me to come back!

Thanksgiving. The turkey and and all that good stuff. Hours in the kitchen to feed 4 adults and 2 littles. Although I certainly would miss the stuffing and the green bean casserole, I really didn't feel like working myself to the bone this year. And even more than that ... I really didn't want to send all those leftovers to the trash can when we couldn't handle one more plate of leftovers. So I came up with a plan and texted my dear hubby who didn't respond. Later that evening he told me he was communicating our plan to someone and inviting them to fly down and join us. I said, "you're in?!"  I texted Alyx to see if she was "in". Both feet!To be honest, if we had a houseful of company I probably wouldn't have done what we did.

Thanksgiving food shopping with Jari. One more stop in the store to include the Seafood counter. No jello. No pumpkin. No green beans.

We woke to a cloudy and 50ish Thanksgiving Day. Not on the agenda. So we changed it up a bit. We unloaded the boat and loaded the truck instead and headed to our favorite water hole. Jari left to go meet Alyx & Tarron and lead us to our spot. I set the dining table. Fancy, hey?

 I did my vegie duty and shucked the corn.

 I was still waiting and figured I should probably light the charcoal. The littles were dining on hot dogs. Do you know that I don't know how to light a charcoal grill filled with Match Light?! Serious. It was a challenge! Hubby actually had to get it going when he showed up.

The sun was determined to hide behind the clouds and I was chilly. I know. This is Arizona. We are having Thanksgiving dinner at the lake. I really shouldn't complain about the chill in the air, but all things are quite relative after all. I found a warm spot. The crab pot was heating up water and was the warmest spot on the sand.

The bright side of cooking a million and three dishes in the kitchen is that you nibble all morning long. No nibbling going on out here and I was still waiting for the rest of my gang.

So I dug into dessert! Why not? Apple crisp sort of thing I did the evening before with the intention of warming it up on the grill for dessert. Perfect!

Second spoonful was in and my people showed up. Boys and water + a dad who loves to fish = perfect Thanksgiving day.

 Papa did the cooking and the seasoning. Tarron is a spice hound. I'm a wimp. I've gotten better but it was a serious sinus drainer. It seriously took me four attempts to eat that little potato ... and I still couldn't do it. The crab? The bomb! Absolutely scrumptious!

I brought pliers just for this purpose, but hubby prefers the fork. Good thing Wamart sells inexpensive forks 'cuz this one looks like it needs replacing.

We brought home a few pieces of silverware, a crab pot and 4 plates to wash. Easy peasy and just up our alley. I have a feeling that this will happen again.

While the boys are fans of Nana & Papa's house ... there is nothing like water for the boys. The lake is one of their family's favorite places. You can't tell, can you?

Ours too.

Maybe we adults were a bit chilly as the sun played hide and seek behind the clouds but this guy? He had ice cream on his mind and nothing as stopping him!

A few of my reasons to be thankful.
