Sunday, January 10, 2016


I haven't gotten into the latest craze of adult coloring despite its wealth of health benefits. Not yet anyway. 

Last weekend was woodworking. 
This weekend was fabric and some filling in between the lines kind of activity. 

These are destined to be pillow covers. 
$6 for a painters drop cloth that was 4 feet long makes for a lot of fabric to create on. 

I'm dropping them off to a willing seamstress to put them together for me. My time is better spent doing a few other things. And as long as I have a willing helper ... I'm thrilled!

Crafting right now is all for a craft sale the end of February. 
It is so ideal it is nearly perfect. 
I can create and play, yet don't need to have the space to permanently house anything because it won't live here. 

What more could one ask for?!

Sunday (today .. and I really need to hit the sheets) I spent the day on the couch not feeling well. 
Let's hope the batteries and gut are all recharged for tomorrow morning cuz it's another busy week!

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