Tuesday, January 1, 2019

a new day to start the new year

In all likelihood, I have lived more than half of my life.
Statistically, I probably have a whole lot less days than that left on earth.

365 days of blank slate lie before me if that is God's plan for my life.
I'm sitting in the recliner chair this morning with my feet up wondering what I should do with them.

I typically don't let too much grass grow under my feet, but am I walking with the wind or bucking the tide?
What am I really suppose to be doing?
There are certainly obligations that are non negotiable.
They are sort of like breathing.

What about the rest of it?
Did I spend the past year being my best me?
That could be a whole dissertation.
One that I have promised myself to start writing about.
Maybe you can learn something from my walk.
Maybe you won't feel alone in yours.

So this year I will spend some time in quiet. Let my thoughts go where they will. It might be a scary place to live ... we shall see!

I craft for my mental health. I craft because I love to. I craft because I do.
That isn't going to stop as long as I have life in me.

This year I will try to share more projects with you.

Another dissertation in the making.

This year I am going to work at them. My heart rate just kicked up with the typing of that sentence and it wasn't a  just completed a marathon and am thrilled kind of heart rate jump. 

This year I plan to take more time to soak in the beautiful world that surrounds me.
This year let joy outshine sorrow and hope triumph over fear.

As another blank page waits to be written, let the lines I accumulate be ones caused by laughter and not tears. Let the gray hairs be carried in on wings of joy, not despair. Let me be thankful for the blessings of each day given by God.

May your New Year be filled with grace, peace, love and joy.

** Interesting that as I was uploading a different photo to this post my computer just quit. Stopped. Needed to reboot itself in the middle of adding that photo. I guess it wasn't suppose to be the photo I ended this post with and this post wasn't about that photo. As it came back up, everything else was there but that one photo. I listened. I think this post was about the one it let me load. 

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