Friday, May 3, 2019

clay play

My craft room is out of control. Serious.
I am trying to use up stuff but then I need more stuff to finish the unfinished stuff.
Then I head to the store and totally forget to pick up the stuff I needed to finish the unfinished stuff and end up with new stuff to make more unfinished stuff.
Did you get that?

In the past few weeks I've spent a free hour here and there rolling and cutting clay.

I've been wanting to try make some cute little houses that are lit by a battery operated candle.

Maybe I'm not a clay maestro.
Sometimes I try things just because I have to. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
I might just get another batch of clay and try one more time.

The terra cotta clay is definitely out. I'm not sure what this is but am pretending it is hurricane season in my craft room and stuff is just falling apart as it dries. 

It's okay. I listened to a good book while I worked on this one. (insert grins)

I have this crazy notion that I should produce at least 100 ornaments in the next several months.
We have hit the 100 degree temps in Phoenix and afternoons will be spent inside when I'm home. 
It might just happen!

12 down ....

only 88 to go!

I did do something else with clay that I think is downright cute. Hoping to share that one next week with you!

Happy weekend!

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