Wednesday, May 8, 2019

monday might be my favorite

Last week was a hailstorm.
No, I'm not sitting in a hospital bed or incapacitated.
It just was a week.

I think Monday has become my favorite day of the work week.
Who would have ever thunk?
Thursday use to be a 8 hour day and is now long which is distressing.
I'm not really complaining, but it has taken some getting use to.

Monday my boss told me she is quitting. 
We played hot potato with her position all week. At this point, no one is holding the potato.
Not one person wants her job .. including, and especially, me.
Money won't buy any of us. Do you find that interesting? I hope not. It says an awful lot about the people I work with and for. Some of those I work with have held management positions before and flat out refuse. We all have lives outside the time clock. It should be very interesting. Come June my days might just get longer, but they won't involve meetings where I need to have a game face. I don't have one, have never had one and don't intend to start taking ulcer medication at this point in my life. I've enough ulcer causing situations in my world as it is.

Other than bosses quitting on Mondays, I have a few hours to play in the late afternoon. Maybe I should be doing things like mopping and dusting, but really?
Give me crafty to start my week.

This one is an advent "calendar" sort of thing. It is going to be downright darling.

Pulla baking for the dear hubby. There is nothing like the smell of cardamom and yeast in a kitchen.

A little yarn time and an attempt at making feathers. They are still in attempt mode.

After our family excitement on Wednesday while I was at work, I headed to the other campus. I hop campuses Mondays and Wednesdays. I learned that I had an ACLS class on Friday.  I mentioned ulcers earlier ... this one is PTSD on steroids. I seriously think about a hospice career every two years when this is due. I detest. I would typically spend some time refreshing, but Wednesday included a turn serving coffee at Bible Class in the evening.

Thursday a full day at work, I had time to get the prestest done for the for the class and went to visit my dear friend Gwen who was still in the hospital after giving birth to twins a little earlier than planned. They are doing well and so is she. Thank God for miracles.

Friday was this blasted class. I survived and am done for another two years.

Friday night visiting a special friend who was in town. Oh, but I do love those visits of the heart.

Saturday a little market shopping in the morning. My mornings typically start with a plan and a bang. When they don't .... the whole day just seems to go stagnant and nothing seems to get accomplished. I finally gave up and sat at the table. Actually, it might be more like following doctors orders without intent. He will be pleased. I'm suppose to be taking it easy .... I think this counts.

A little more Christmas coming up ... after another trip to the favorite Hobby Lobby for some noses.

Lovin' me some tonttus ..

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