Friday, December 14, 2018

Pylly towel

One day the end of November, maybe a week before Thanksgiving, Jari was chilly and muscle sore. He said something like, "we should get a hot tub or a sauna". I must have answered that a sauna might be a better option at this point. Being as we already have the building that we were going to transform into a sauna. So he got busy. 

Let me tell you about my hubby. When he sets on a mission ... don't get in his way. It really doesn't matter what it is, it is all consuming. I'll share sauna pictures with you another time. The inside is done except for a few wee minor details that are his department and a few bigger details that fall into mine. Nothing that we need done in order to use it.

It is getting nearly daily use.

I needed some pylly towels or bum rags.
I guess if you're going into a sauna clothed, your clothing is going to absorb all the sweat. Unless you're not throwing steam .. then all of this is irrelevant. I had made a bunch of tote bags for the market sale and had some left over fabric in my stash. So, because I had nothing else to do (Hah!), I whipped up a stack of pylly towels to catch that sweat and keep it off the benches.

Thankful for SAS fabrics and feeling a little Marimekko flavor in there!

The best thing? They're lighter than a hand towel and take up less washing machine space. I made at least a dozen of them and have yards of fabric left for more!

After Christmas.
The guy seems to need his prune tarts and pulla too.

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