Friday, February 8, 2019

Spreading paint

Last weekend Jari left on Friday to the sand dunes. I had all the goods lined up before he left and started moving furniture before he hit the freeway.

You know those fancy little coffee cup pictures you see people post?
This was my attempt at a paint version of the same.

I started with one wall in our bedroom. That bucket above may look white but I was spreading gray joy on walls. Back to that one wall in the bedroom. It was white and I have an off white antiqued mirror to hang on it. It sort of needed to go gray in my opinion. Hopefully it will be done this week and I can share with you next week!

The other gray was two walls of the laundry room. I really could have done all four walls, but it would require moving way too much stuff. Then there is the reach behind the hot water heater. Not happening. Two walls and some shelves were my goal. The shelf above the washing machine is to hold chargers. I don't really know why I have that charger in the laundry room, but apparently that is where it lives. It also charges the batteries for my favorite circular saw and cordless drill. The problem was that the charger sat on top of the trash can lid and I couldn't get into the trash can.

I know. I am a little over the top.

But I can get into the trash can now! Artwork will come some other day. This room is not air conditioned during the summer and gets a little toasty. No need to get all fancy in a room where I really don't want to spend a lot of time anyway.

Shelves. Do we ever have enough of those to house all of our junk? This is the case of light bulbs. They were hanging out in a place I didn't think was smart or safe ... considering the cost of light bulbs. So I added shelves above the door, around the corner and down the other wall. Sort of. My light bulbs are now in a secure place. I can find them which is a super duper bonus and .... things make more sense.

I spent a good deal of time messing around with this business over the weekend, but have to say that I didn't spend one measly penny on any of it. The boards for the shelves are cedar fencing left over from that sauna business. The metal brackets were used a while ago in a trailer of Jari's and removed when he sold it. The paint .... left over from when we moved in and painted.

I found a brand new 4x4 nice long hunk of wood in the cedar pile while I was digging on Saturday. My plan has been to build garden boxes, but they still aren't done. Should have been done weeks ago! I ran out of time this weekend and I ran out of juice.

Not that I'm going to stop but some days the end of the day is just a challenge.

Let's see what I can get done this weekend!
Pulla baking is high on the list.

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