Saturday, February 15, 2020

Meet Herman

Have you met Herman?
I really don't know if I've introduced him to you formally.
I really don't know what his name is/was, and figured he needed one so I just named him Herman.

Herman was Bill's cat and we sort of inherited him with the house. There is a long story about him but, to make a long story short, he didn't really like people when we moved in here. He might come around for food and disappear for weeks. Then he'd show up again.

Today, this would be Herman.

He still isn't the friendliest cat you ever did meet. He will never come in the house. My rule, not his. 

He usually comes for food twice a day and eats rather well. Sometimes he thinks he needs to be fed twice in the evening, especially if he missed a meal the day before. He sits and waits for food in the morning and evening. When Jari goes in the kitchen to get his food, and leaves the door open, Herman will move so he can watch to see if he's coming back. He talks to us, occasionally he hisses at me like he's trying real hard to still be a mean thing, and we have full blown unintelligible conversations.

He eats too well now and has no need to chase a mouse or a bird. He lets the rats run around like they own the place. (another story for another day ...)

Sometimes he seriously cracks me up. Duke did this all the time. He would go in and out of the house with me. If I sat outside, he would always lay with his back to me making sure nothing dangerous was going to get me. Herman does the same thing.

I think he is finally getting use to us. Two weeks ago he got close enough to sniff my shoe ... and it was on my foot!

Maybe by July he will get close enough to touch ....

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