Tuesday, February 11, 2020

we are still at it!

The attic has been emptied of insulation.
That was a huge accomplishment! 
We had a moment's intake of breath last week when the temps in Phoenix dipped to the freezing zones. All of a sudden we had a frightening thought that now none of our water lines were covered in insulation. The lines survived.

Do you just love the lighting up here? The lights are moving out to the front patio when they're done up here. Love the multi-purpose thinking he has.

I got home from work one day last week to this. Water line was going in. The lines across the attic are in. We aren't running new lines down the walls until we redo bathrooms. They will sit up there ready to hook up when we are ready.  

Facetime is can be a serious time saver. He tells me what he needs me to do down below and I can show him exactly what it is I'm looking at. Works perfect and saves him a million and two trips up and down from the attic.

Almost done with that. The rest of the line is stretched out in the yard trying to get it unwound before he carts it up there and sets it in place to be hooked up later!

I use to think (when the kids were small or when I'm trolling Pinterest) that an attic room would be so fun! Not anymore!

On to the next thing!
Can you believe this room?! It usually doesn't look like this, but I started cleaning out the closet on Saturday and trying to organize my creative space. Why is cleaning out things such a mess??!! Donation piles, trash piles ... all that good stuff.

In between cleaning that space, I was running to help him out. Electrical was next up on the list. The wires in the attic look like my Christmas lights usually do. A mess. One breaker runs different parts of multiple rooms. A nightmare if you're trying to figure things out. It will all make sense when he's done with it! We haven't redone the front patio ceiling, so handy little holes for running line are lifesavers.

Rolls and rolls of this good stuff.

I know how fortunate we are.
First, he has the ability to do all this stuff and we aren't paying someone else to do the work.
Second, we enjoy doing it together and seeing the progress.
Third, we appreciate the final result so much more!

Electrical in the guest room and garage are redone and labeled.

That room I was working on cleaning? You should see it today. Oh my goodness.

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