Wednesday, May 22, 2013

hemming jeans with an unhemmed look

Anna probably won't appreciate my saying this, but she has the honor of being the shortest person in this house. That also means that jeans are usually too long for her. And I can't stand hemming jeans. They always look like they've been whacked off and stitched up. 

Last week as she was packing to travel and getting ready to take these along with her, I hauled out the beasty sewing machine, logged into Pinterest, and followed this link that led me to the tutorial on how to do this. I crossed my fingers and had a go at it. I didn't take pictures of the jeans when they were done because they got flipped on and out the door they went. 

My machine has a problem. First of all, I'm pretty pleased that it does anything at all anymore. It has sewn miles of fabric and was a $20 find at a yard sale. I best not complain too loudly or it will quit even the straight stitch! Right now it doesn't want to zigzag for me and I don't have a serger. There was no way for me to magically "seal" the seams before she took off.

A week later she came home and I finally made it to my favorite Hobby Lobby for a few supplies.
Some Fray Check and Heat n Bond Ultra Hold, a pair of scissors and an iron ...

I attached the cut edge to the pant leg with the Heat n Bond, and then applied Fray Check to the edges. I don't know if it will survive wearings and washings or not, but it is worth a try!

The extremely bright side is that the jeans still have their original hem and unless you really peer closely, you won't ever know the difference!

I've been thinking about this for awhile now.
I'm going to add another board on Pinterest ... 
one that is called something like Tried and It Worked!!

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