Thursday, January 15, 2015

Home office

This is the brainchild.
My problem is this. We have a master bedroom that is too small to house an office.
We do have an empty bedroom, but it is also the guest room.
If I put up my table/desk in there, then I have to move it out when I have visitors.
All of my paperwork is stored in that bedroom.
The closet currently holds thousands of photos in boxes, an air bed in its bag, extra pillows, etc.
All of that can probably take a hike and find another home.
In a jaunt through Pinterest the other day, I happened to start looking at closet office ideas.
And ... I think this might work!
I can't do the chevron thing.
I'm not changing paint color.
I do have a deep filing cabinet already in that closet, so that takes up some room.
But, I figured it just might be workable.
This would be the brainchild of the
If You Give a Mom a Project ....

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