Monday, December 1, 2014

48.52 motivational monday

It is not length of life, but depth of life.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

So where does one go with this one?!
And why does someone wait until the last minute to try and go there?

Is the depth of life so many things?
Do we at different times in our lives seem to be skimming the surface of living
and other times diving right in?

Is the depth of life held together with the emotional ties we have with friends and loved ones?
Or do they define the depth of life?

The Thanksgiving holiday we just celebrated was full of the depth of life.
We no longer have all of our immediate loved ones at the same table anymore,
but across the miles we can share moments of that special day with them.
And for those who we share with other loved ones in town ... we get them for special moments.

Today, I'd have to say that this smile defines the depth of life. A life full of new adventure with a new bride. Not skimming the surface, but diving right in. They were sitting outside a coffee shop grabbing some wifi so they could skype with both of their families before they headed home to cook their first Thanksgiving dinner .... complete with turkey and pies.

Is there even a way to define the depth of life? We can live a short one that is incredibly shallow, or we can live one that is as deep as the deepest sea ... filled with vibrant color. I use to say a cacophony of color and symphony of sound. Oh, yes. We don't need to live long lives in order to live like that. 

We just need to really live it. 
With a depth that says we have lived.

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