Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday Tia

My baby.
My littlest one.
My last one to reach adulthood.
Celebrating a golden birthday for this special one.
I'm not thinking about what that means for her parents.
For her, I hope it means all kinds of good things.
New challenges.
New excitement.
New hopes.
New dreams.

I'm a day late in this post (several days if you're not in my time zone).
We had a party.
Her requests for food included: karjalan piirakas, deviled eggs, artichoke jalapeno dip and salsa (with chips of course) and red velvet cake.
So that is what we had!

I had to procure the piirakas because I've never made them myself. Yum!

Games. Always. Frans even learned to play Ligretto last night.

The cake.
This probably isn't fair, but it sure is fun.
Kind of like playing Twister without the dial thing.
Surprise your next birthday someone with adding some of the candles to the side of the cake.
I've done it to coworkers ....
why not my own?!

Today in the beauty of sunshine.

Happy life my dear!

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