Friday, April 27, 2012

woe is exercise

A little about me today.
I am a homebody.
My world is full of hobbies and interests.
Exercise just isn't one of them.
Or, should I say, it isn't one of them if it involves jumping in the car to drive somewhere.
No, I probably shouldn't go that far.
It just isn't one of them. Plain. And. Simple.
In Alaska, if there was enough (preferably fresh) snow in the yard, I skiied.
I put my duds on ... opened the door ... carried the skiis out ... and put them on.
Not once did I drive somewhere to ski.
I am talking cross country skiing. The only kind I dare to do.
The last winter we were there, I barely skiied at all.
There just wasn't enough snow in my yard.

I have left the house several times to take a hike. 
Mind you, that hasn't happened this year at all!
You see what I mean?
It isn't looking too good right now either!

I do have this little wonder sitting in my garage tho'.
And I have to say, it is getting some use.
Please. Please. Please.
Let me keep it up.

I still don't have a helmet and need to really get one.
This biking thing is so easy!
Throw some clothes on, have a cup of coffee, grab the phone which has my current audio book loaded, the garage door opener
 .... and off I go.
This morning is absolutely beautiful.
Cool enough to actually add a long sleeved shirt at one point.

Today is Friday.
So far this week I've worked 3 1/2 days,
and I've managed to pedal the 3 mornings I've been home.
8 miles this morning during which I looked at house paint colors.
I saw blooming rose bushes and wished I could grow them.
I dared to cross the street at a stop light.
I found a gray house with a red front door that I really liked.
For anyone who is an avid biker, my 8 miles may seem like nothing.
For me .... it is one more mile than Wednesday morning and two more than Sunday.

I just want to know why I gained 2.5 pounds while biking this morning ....
in ONE hour!!


  1. Good for you! I hope you keep up the biking. We've been walking almost every night that Ryan's been home. Sure feels good to get out and enjoy the fresh air. The last two times we have been out, Nolan has walked/ biked the 2.5 mile loop.

  2. Hi
    Now I'm not sure but we could acctualy be related, I'm from Boden in Sweden.
    Got your blog: living the Alaska dream " adress on a birthday celebrations for a 85year old gentlemen.
    Any ideas?
    // Alf from the Jacobsson side
