Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas at our house.

We shared our days with different peoples at different times.
Some stayed. Some left and went to others.
More came.
We played games ... some at the table and some on the screen.
We shared gifts with each other.
We sang and sang and sang.
Wondered if the neighbors got serenaded to sleep at midnight Christmas Eve ....
or if they were already slumbering when our voices chimed again.
We ate. Oh, boy, did we eat.
(I finally remembered to pull out the prune tarts Christmas nearing evening.)
Enough that at least 2 of us went to sleep last night with serious air filled guts.
Might have had something to do with Christmas Day dinner.
Scalloped potatoes with ham that included a quart of 1/2 and 1/2, a pint of heavy whipping
cream, a pint of milk and cheese, cheese, cheese.
Good combination for lactose intolerant bellies.
I nearly didn't make it to see today.
I seriously thought I was going to asphyxiate myself in the pillow by this morning.
I went to sleep last night mentally writing my obituary.
Hubby said it was all my fault .... I did the cooking.
I'll have to work on that!

This morning I've been enjoying playing with pictures and noting that I really didn't take any!
Oh for frustrating. I've had to borrow a few.
The house is orderly again.
The refrigerator so full of leftovers that the boys need to come clean it out for me.
Very soon.

I'm going to work for a few hours and then coming home to take a delicious nap.

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